So this one is really close to my heart. Kesurapan is the band I founded with one of my best friends some years ago. We wanted to make something weird, something alien sounding, but also something really f***ing heavy. So when we released our first EP in December of 2021, during the height of the Corona frenzy, we wanted an artwork, which really reflects our sound. 
The band name itself is a slight variation of the Indonesian language, meaning something along trance, mass hysteria and demon possession. So into the center of the artwork came Ranggda, the demon queen. I photobashed the key artwork from some photos off Wikimedia Commons in Procreate, the symbols stem from the Necronomicon (because why not). The logo font is Shodo Gothic. In a respectivley really short amount of time, we created a visual branding language for our band, which we use to this day, and we still have to grow tired of it. Won't happen soon, I guess.

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